Charge Your Phone By Shouting At It

Charge your phone by SHOUTING at it: Gadget converts sound waves from speech into five volts of energy for your mobile

Prototype created by Queen Mary University of London and Nokia
The device, which is about the size of a mobile phone, uses zinc oxide
Zinc oxide produces electricity when subjected to mechanical stress
Stress could come from vibrations in sound that move tiny rods
Invention was inspired by research which found playing pop and rock music improves the performance of solar cells
 As the class Governor of my department at Yaba college Of technology, It seems phone batteries always die at the same moment you need to make an important call like calling a Lecturer , before class or after class.

But while shouting at your mobile in frustration might seem pointless, a new gadget could soon mean your screams won't be in vain.

Researchers in London have created a new technology that uses sound, such as chants at a football ground or chatter in a coffee shop, to charge up mobile phones